Often I tell a story to show a snapshot of an idea, but since these are all real people they have continued their lives. Here's what happened to a few of them:
The man from the fruit stand in Better People never even called me back to say he didn't want to hire me, but I did get a job with one of the better respected computer-related companies in the world. Go figure.
I did in fact almost fail my background check, but not because of all the moving, but because it was a little tough to prove I ever worked for the feds. Crash sorted me out, he's the man.
The bounty hunting team lost. We were carrying the robot live (long story) and the motherboard shorted literally as we placed it on the competition field. We lost the competition but wound up with lots of interested sponsors. Pippin and I lost track of the team after that, he's still being completely absurd and enjoying it.
I'm no longer homeless. My first housemate I lived with for a year. He has a little dog, but it's well trained and well mannered. Now I live in another crazy community, but thankfully I don't have to run it, so I never feel like I have to stop anything from happening.
Being barefoot at my new job is much better tolerated.
I did call Nexus once when I needed a hand. He hung up.
Scavenging never goes out of style, the Torii and my new home both have furniture from the adventures with the feds.
Joat had a baby.
Magpie and Gilby lived together for a whole year. Impressively, nobody wound up getting punched, though there were a few close calls.
Gadget is still the politician, and is happily doing grad research.
Mime got her life together and is now getting licensed to do real estate. She's still boy-crazy, but I feel her taste has improved significantly.
My new meds cause me to bruise all the time now. Hilarity ensues. Related: I did lose the weight again, but I never managed to get my little plant.
3Stack runs the program I ran with the feds now. He's grown a lot in some ways, but is still a little silly.
My grandmother from Rice is fairing poorly, and has trouble remembering a lot now. She's scared, and we're trying to be comforting. My other grandma is comfortable and as happy as she can be, given the circumstances.
I do less breaking and entering now, and mostly scheme about taking over the world with varied success.
The project from Up is put on hold more or less indefinitely but has been absurdly educational.
Drummer's geographical challenges haven't prevented him from getting an extraordinarily respectable series of software jobs.
My friend from Las Vegas and I realized the situation was a little impractical but we're both still good friends and remain in touch.
Vex runs his own company now, where he makes tools that suck less.