Now that I am getting somewhat steady mail I guess its time to answer a few questions.
Q: Pika is a funny name. Is your real name Pika?
A: You honestly thought my real name was Pika Chu? No. Nobody even calls me Pika in real life, although Crash frequently calls me "Pikachu."
Q: Are any of the names on this website real?
A: Very infrequent characters have their actual first names. Some of the nicknames are legitimately people's nicknames. Everybody in The Techno Amish has an online handle if nothing else for our IRC channel and almost everybody who works for Crash gets named in the course of work. Some people are called nearly exclusively by these names in real life. Anybody who has a nickname that was too distinguishable got renamed for their privacy.
Q: What is this blog for?
A: For the hell of it. Also that whole "talking with" vs "talk at" bit.
Q: Why do your posts read like somebody with ADD wrote them?
A: Because somebody with ADD wrote them.
Q: What kind of hippy retard rides a bicycle everywhere?
A: This kind!
Q: You really expect me to believe this stuff is real?
A: You don't have to believe me if you don't want to...
Q: I find your portrayal of Issac and Hannalore medically incorrect.
A: I'm not a doctor. These are the stories of my life as I perceived them. I have tried to be as accurate as my perception permits, but I do encourage you all to take your facts about their medical conditions from actual qualified professionals.
Q: I find it offensive that you say your brother suffers from Asperger's syndrome.
A: My brother has suffered because he has Asperger's. Lots of people treat him pretty poorly because of how he is. He struggles really hard to overcome his shortcomings. Yes it could have been tons worse, he could have had leukemia or something, but yes he has suffered. Maybe you should consider how offensive it is to try to 1984 the words "suffer from Asperger's" out of the language.
Q: Why don't you permit comments?
A: Because I have seen youtube. I'm all for trackbacks though, and once I have some time I'll try to get them working (blogspot doesn't like them).
Q: Some of your post tags are weird.
A: I'm weird, but a few of them make sense in context. "The Road Less Traveled" is a reference to the Robert Frost poem. "And now for something completely different" is a Monty Python reference.
Q: Where does the blog title come from?
A: Sorry, I use to have it up there. The idea for this place was that I rant a lot. Ranting is "talking at" somebody really. I figured I would put all the rants here to get them out of my system so I could have real conversations where I "talk with" my friends. I considered this "saving the ears" of my friends. Someplace in the middle a whole lot of people showed up on my site. I'm not quite sure how that bit happened.
Q: WY1HBT isn't a real callsign.
A: What part of YHBT did you miss? We did, for the record, once convince Giraffe that was his new callsign. That was hilarious.
Q: You're stupid / not a real feminist / a real bitch / going to hell / an insensitive asshole.
A: Cool.