This place is getting absolutely depressing. Lets try a little change of pace shall we?
Py told me to post a recipe I cooked last night, but I think that would bore you all to tears. Nobody wants to read recipes instead of content. Ok, so its the internet, and someplace there is probably somebody who does, but that's still not a good reason to do it. Maybe when I make a proper blog I'll throw a little section where you can all read in great detail about what culinary forms of trauma I make my friends suffer through, but that's not really something for today.
This might not particularly be on a lighter note to the rest of the blog but I'm positively fascinated with It tells the story of one of over 50 detainees in South Korea. They are American English teachers, and the story is unfolding right now.
I haven't got any idea if its true or not but it is for some reason incredibly interesting. I'm pretty sure most news stations don't know they are there yet or if anybody has verified that this is true.
Anyway, check it out, and I'll give you guys a real post tomorrow.