I ramble...
I ramble a lot.
Normally when I have something to ranble about I talk at one of my close friends about it. Yes, sadly, the words are "talk at" not talk with.
One day it dawned on me that this is discourteous. My friends care about me and continually mimic interest out of the pure goodness of their hearts. However, that doesn't change the fact that its deadly boring. Its also rude, to pretend my obscure thoughts should litter their minds, that whatever inconsequential thing I have to say is more important than their own thoughts which they could instead be having during that time. I was raised in the generation where we were taught that "we're all special snowflakes." That we are all unique and individual, and that everything we say and do is of value. The reality is: it isn't. Most of it is innane boring shit. We have no right to intrude on the time and minds of others unless we believe they might get something out of the exchange too.
I suppose that this is where I put down that if by some freak incident this blog becomes famous or well read that you leave me and my identity and those of the people listed here alone. My formal education is with computers, I'm aware that we have no privacy on the web in reality, maybe I could make myself a little more difficult to find, but mostly I'm too lazy to care. I don't plan to give you much ammo to play with. If people want to find me...they will. I'm just asking you to have a little courtsey and not go looking for ways to dig this up and make it a mess.
The reality is though, is that that will probably never happen. As a matter of fact, if this goes the way I plan it to, nobody's ever going to read this at all. This is just because I have been unable to curb the habit needing to have "talk at" conversations. Now I will "talk at" this blog, and "talk with" my friends.