"We're having a party tonight," Giraffe says, "We need to swing by a thrift store for a piece of Ginger's costume, do you have yours?"
"Erm, I will shortly?"
Fifteen dollars later I'm wandering the house as The Cat in the Hat. A significantly larger number of dollars later we are leaving the liquor store ready for a Halloween party.
It began as very excellent party but, for whatever reason, a shocking number of people there did not understand their alcohol limits. Soon people are clustering around toilets, sinks, bathtubs, trash cans, and other receptacles depositing a wide variety of dinner items. The effect cascades, with first one party-goer kowtowing the porcelain throne and then others, either smelling the offering or perhaps just out of sympathy, following suit. The air is filled with the sound of people retching and spewing.
This party is officially not any fun anymore.
I am standing in the kitchen, realizing that the only people currently not throwing up are the hosts, Ginger, and myself.
Sam stands up from the sink, which he has hung to with a death grip for some time, and carefully wipes his mouth. "I feel better," he says.
"Yeah," I said, "well, I think you had a little too much..."
Sam turns to another male who is also clutching the sink, "Go on," he says, "just do it, you'll feel a lot better."
His sinkside companion adds to the mess. I lean over and begin running the water to reduce the smell.
"I do feel better," the second sinkclutcher agrees.
"Throwing up," Sam reasoned, "makes us feel better."
This is where you can tell the difference between a highly inebriated engineer or scientist and a highly inebriated sane person. The sane person might accept this fact, drink some water, and go to sleep. The engineer needs to analyze this data and use it to extrapolate greater patterns.
"If we throw up again," Sam pondered, "We will feel even better!"
"Uhh....no I..."
My words fall upon deaf ears as both boys simultaneously lean over the sink and jam their fingers down their throats. The behavior spreads like wildfire until a large number of party-goers are trying to follow the completely logical assumed data pattern. I'm left standing in a kitchen witnessing another round of retching.
"Pika," Sam calls, "you're sober!" I'm not, but it seems a silly argument.
"You need to go to the store and get us some Ipecac."
"No." We're already reenacting Family Guy here.
"Aww, come on, you want us to feel better right?"
"Uh... I don't think..."
Our disjointed argument continues for some time. Neither side is really making a coherent point, and after enough wasted time I simply leave the room. In Giraffe's bedroom another party sufferer is adding his vomit to a bowl which already contains contributions from two other people and an unfortunate mouse. There comes a point where things get bizarre enough that I feel like my grip on reality is slacking. The kitchen posse eventually realizes that nobody threw up throughout the entire debate and a relatively not-ill party member looks up from a chess board.
"You guys seem good, who wants to do shots?"
Sam and his compatriot look at each other for a second and then simultaneously hurl into the sink at the thought.
With ideas this good, who needs Ipecac anyway?